D’ORNANO PARTNERS advised Ruget Group on a complex transaction in Hungary

D’Ornano Partners advised the Hungarian subsidiary of Ruget Group, based in Nagykanizsa, on a complex transaction involving the asset transfer and the sale of real estates to the Hungarian Group FERZOL.

The Ruget Group, a specialist in sheet metal, mechanical welding and coating, has 85 years of presence in France and 17 years of presence in Hungary.

D’Ornano Partners assisted RUGET Metals Zrt. (“RUGET Metals”) throughout the transfer of its assets to FERZOL METÁL Kft., entailing the transfer of its employees to the latter, a transaction that took place simultaneously with the sale of the real estates of Ruget Real Estate Kft. ( “Ruget Real Estate”) to FERZOL Lemezmegmunkáló Kft. (the “Transaction”).

D’Ornano Partners’ team, led by François d’Ornano, managing partner, Katalin Nógrádi, senior associate from our Budapest office, acted as legal counsels to Ruget Group.

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