Fields of expertise

Our lawyers have in-depth knowledge of Central and Eastern Europe, from both the legal and local angle. Thanks to our integrated approach our clients are able to operate in various jurisdictions in accordance with local regulations.

Mergers and acquisitions

Our core business is consulting in the area of mergers and acquisitions and complex transactions. When our clients wish to expand their activities internationally by entering a new market through an acquisition, merger or joint venture with local companies, we work alongside them, from the legal structuring of their strategic operations to the implementation of them to ensure the success of their project.

Real estate transactions

Our firm works on all asset classes, from the structuring of an investment to the completion of the construction project or the acquisition of a real estate asset. We take part in the development of large-scale projects during the stages of asset management, acquisition and disposal. We also deal with urban planning and planning law issues in all their regulatory and contractual dimensions.

Corporate law

We advise companies on the corporate aspects of their projects: the founding of companies; the make-up of joint ventures, mergers and spin-offs; the formalities of capital increase and governance change.


We support companies as they begin their operations in France and Central and Eastern Europe. We assist them in carrying out feasibility studies for a project, in putting in place the necessary financing for its implementation, in the formalities of establishing the legal entity to carry out the investment, in matters related to obtaining authorisation for their activities in the country concerned, in negotiating leases or acquiring premises, and in drafting contracts with their employees.

European law and sectoral regulation

We assist our clients when they are confronted with questions about the interpretation or incorrect implementation of EU texts or sectoral regulations, whether the countries are already members of the European Union or are in the process of harmonising their own laws to those of the EU in order to eventually join it.

Competition & Regulatory

We advise our clients in the areas of cartel law, abuse of dominance, merger control, unfair commercial practices, consumer protection, EU regulatory issues (DMA, etc.), legal compliance and private enforcement of competition law (cartel damages, etc.). In addition to providing legal advice, tailor-made audits and compliance programs, our firm is also capable to represent its clients before the Competition Authority, the European Commission and other authorities in charge of various regulated markets.

Labour law

We operate in all areas of labour law and are thus able to assist companies in monitoring the careers of their employees (drafting contracts regarding employment, incentive plans, restructuring of the company, respecting the rights of employees – including the management of personal data and amicable or contentious departures from the company).

Strategic litigation

We have developed real know-how to support our clients when they are faced with disputes that threaten the security and sustainability of their investments. We are able to represent them in local as well as European and international courts.

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