is a law firm specializing in mergers and acquisitions, real estate transactions and foreign investment law in Central and Eastern Europe.

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Introduction to the firm

We are a French firm and we have been active in Paris as well as in Central and Eastern Europe for more than 20 years. Our clients are businesses listed on the CAC 40, large groups and SMEs in the agri-food, hospitality, financial services (banking and insurance), construction, transport, health and telecoms industries. We offer our comprehensive knowledge of local markets and proven regional expertise in the area of mergers, acquisitions and complex transactions.


Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of Central and Eastern Europe as well as their various markets, the lawyers of D’ORNANO PARTNERS are able to support companies in their legal issues in all disciplines of business law.


Based in Paris, we benefit from this strategic location to advise French and international companies in their development projects in France as well as in Central and Eastern Europe.​


Recognized as one of the best international law firms in the area, our Hungarian office centralizes and coordinates our advisory services in the Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as in some Balkan countries, with the support of our teams in Belgrade.​


Our firm has the experience as well as the specialist technical and transactional expertise to meet the requirements of our clients in complex cross-border mergers and acquisitions.​


In collaboration with local firms, our presence in the Balkans is both historic and strategic (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo), with these places becoming a must for companies wishing to invest in the South-East region of Europe.​
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